Mental Health Communications with Dj Tyson of VOA Alaska

In this episode, we sit down with Dj Tyson from VOA Alaska to explore practical strategies for mental health communications. Dj shares his journey and role at VOA Alaska, offering insights into the unique challenges and opportunities in promoting mental health in Alaska. We discuss the importance of focusing on hope and positive outcomes in storytelling, and Dj discusses how his personal experiences have shaped his professional approach. Listeners will gain practical advice for improving mental health messaging and hear inspiring stories that highlight the power of positive communication in reducing stigma.

About the guest

Dj Tyson entered non-profit communications after exploring an array of career paths, including four years in the military. A call to serve his community led him to VOA Alaska, a youth behavioral health non-profit, where he is the Director of Communications and Engagement. For over four years, he has used his creative skills and personal connection to the mission to share the organization’s story and connect with the statewide community. Dj holds a Bachelor’s in Psychology from the University of Alaska Fairbanks, a Professional Digital Marketing Certificate, and is pursuing a Health Non-Profit Leadership and Management Certificate. 


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