A Digital Transformation Toolkit with Karen Graham

In this episode of Health Nonprofit Digital Marketing, speaker, trainer, and consultant Karen Graham joins us to share the fundamentals of technology planning and making the case for technology investments. We discuss how to assess your current level of technology maturity and determine what to focus on. We also discuss writing a strategic technology plan, identifying learning needs, building staff technology skills, and pitching technology improvements to your boss, board, and funders. Karen also shares the importance of evaluating ROI for current and potential technologies

If you are seeking to use technology in ways that unlock possibilities you’ve never had before, or that lead to big changes in the way you do your work or the impact you make, you don’t want to miss this episode.

About the guest

Karen Graham is a speaker, trainer, writer, and consultant with expertise in technology leadership and innovation, nonprofit software, and digital strategy. Her consulting work includes strategic technology roadmaps, development of knowledge resources, and leadership coaching. 

Karen was the Executive Director of the national nonprofit Idealware, and has held leadership roles in capacity building, arts, and human service organizations as well as a software startup. She holds an MBA in Nonprofit Management from the University of St. Thomas.


Contact Karen

Worksheet: https://www.karengrahamconsulting.com/worksheet

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