013 – Awareness PR Campaigns with Jennifer Weaver of the Cholangiocarcinoma Foundation

Awareness campaigns are a lot of work and we all want to make the absolute most of them. So how do you get more PR and earned media opportunities to boost your reach?

Jennifer Weaver of the Cholangiocarcinoma Foundation is a print and TV veteran and we dive into this exact question on the show. Jennifer breaks down the successes of their recent Journey of Hope campaign, how to get more press coverage, and her favorite PR tips and tricks as an industry insider.


Full Transcript

Spencer Brooks 00:05

Welcome to Health Nonprofit Digital Marketing, we’re a podcast for nonprofit marketing and communications leaders using the internet to reach and engage people with health issues. I’m your host Spencer Brooks of Brooks digital, a digital agency for health nonprofits. Today I’m joined by Jennifer Weaver. Jennifer is the Director of Communications at the Cholangiocarcinoma Foundation, a nonprofit working to find a cure and improve the quality of life for those affected by Cholangiocarcinoma, which is also known as bile duct cancer. So, Jennifer, I’m really excited to have you on the show today, as I ask every guest here who is on the podcast, could you just start by giving listeners a brief overview of who you are and what you do?

Jennifer Weaver 00:51

Yeah, absolutely. First of all, thank you for allowing me to come on to the podcast and share a really exciting campaign that was very successful for us, where I can share some practices maybe that other nonprofits and their staff can put into place. So, a little bit about me, I’m actually a veteran news person, I was a print and TV reporter, journalist and executive producer and editor, I was a bureau chief. So basically, the background that I have comes from really heavily news oriented, and fortunately for me, I was able to retire from that industry and moved into becoming the director of communications on June 14, so I’m relatively new to the nonprofit sector, but really excited to be a part and to share my background of what it’s like to be on the receiving end, I can give both perspectives because nonprofits, you know, have to pitch to the media. So, I can give you some tips on what will resonate and get coverage for you.

Spencer Brooks 01:52

That’s awesome. I’m really excited to talk with you about that. It was clear from our discussions before the show, Jennifer, that you just had a wealth of knowledge. So, I think there’s going to be so much to, to unpack here. But today, we’re here to talk about the Journey of Hope campaign, as you mentioned, I understand that that was quite successful. So, could you just start by sharing maybe what some of those wins were out of the campaign?

Jennifer Weaver 02:17

I can tell you the biggest wins is that this campaign was volunteer led, I think in the you know, the for profit sector, you have to rely on your paid staff. When you’re a nonprofit sector, you have this breadth of skill set with your volunteers that you can draw from and that was a big win that this particular campaign was volunteer led. And because of that the support was astronomical. And that support came from, obviously the volunteers networks, whether that be family, friends, or even from their companies. So that was another big win is just the bigger scope of support. And then lastly, was the media coverage. You know, this campaign attracted a lot of media, from radio to TV to print, digital. And so I would say those three main wins are something that I’m just really proud to tout and toot my own horn, toot the Foundation’s horn.

Spencer Brooks 03:20

Yeah, no, I thank you. I mean, that’s, that’s certainly part of what I’m here for is to help highlight great work like that. And I do think it is really cool that that it was led by a volunteer, I think that’s something unique in the nonprofit space. And actually even in, I’ve noticed in the health space, because there’s often either people with a health condition or a loved one that feels a very personal connection to whatever’s happening. And so, when that person decides to do something big, it’s such a good story to tell. And it means so much to the media, to other people who are watching. So, there’s a lot of momentum that I’ve seen behind that. But could you actually in this case, could you just actually tell me a little bit more about the campaign itself? How it got started, the volunteer that was behind it?

Jennifer Weaver 04:11

Yeah, absolutely. And with tooting the horn, it’s why I’m sharing this this because I want everybody to be able to have experiences like that, so they can also toot their horn. So, I want to start with just saying that it’s the 15th anniversary, this was a milestone for the Cholangiocarcinoma foundation. So, because of that, with the 15th anniversary, we’re celebrating it over 15 months, and let our volunteers know and asked and solicited for their input on how we could celebrate it over the next 15 months. One particular volunteer, his name is Dave Fleischer. And he said he loves to drive. So, we came up with this campaign called Journey of Hope. And he was able to volunteer 40 days straight of driving across the United States, he hit 48 states in 40 days, and went to every city of hope so because it was called the Journey of Hope he hit those cities, we were able to kind of create and navigate a pathway, a roadway for him basically, to hit those cities. And every time he hit one of those cities, there would be other volunteers there, other potential people impacted by Cholangiocarcinoma. What was really compelling with Dave Fleischer is that his daughter, Sarah Bennett, had passed away just a year earlier from Cholangiocarcinoma at the age of 35. So, he had a very heartwarming, emotional jerking story. It was very personal for him. And so, as he went along the way, there were other people that had been impacted by Cholangiocarcinoma, whether it be a patient, whether it be a caregiver, friends, family, again, even providers, nurses, of those who had helped patients, met him in those cities of hope. Now, not every stop had, you know, not every state has a city that’s named Hope. So, there was targeted places that he stopped, that were partners with the Cholangiocarcinoma Foundation. And one of the partners, you know, we launched him out of the state of Utah, which is where the Foundation was founded. And an auto dealership, Ken Garff Honda Orem, provided the car, and then we had several sponsors, and they were branded on the car and the whole car was wrapped with the branding of the foundation. So, it was great when he would stop in these places, there would be people welcoming him with signs and balloons, you know, they’d give him food or you know, anything that he needed. Some people gave him gifts. And so every time he made a stop, it was an event and we put it on social media. And when he was traveling, he would do selfies. And he would do videos of him not traveling, I mean, he’d be parked. But he would be at places where he could tell people about what he was experiencing on his travels. And sometimes there were there were some funny stories that he had, running out of gas, you know, things of that nature, that, you know, he just made it really enjoyable. And so all of that was actually on the landing page on our website. So, there was the United States, and it basically kind of mapped out where he was going. And so, people were able to follow him. And if they lived in the area, they could also go and support him. So, we use a lot of social media with doing this campaign. And the biggest reason he really wanted to do this was to not only bring awareness and to share his story, but to raise money because research is so underfunded. Cholangiocarcinoma is a very rare, rare disease, but it’s lethal. So, people who are diagnosed and there’s an estimated 10,000 people in the United States who are diagnosed each year, only 5% of them live beyond one year, that’s how lethal it is. So finding, you know, not only the awareness, but those people who would donate to the cause. And whether that be sponsorship, in kind donation, monetary donation. Just even sharing our social media just volunteering to spread the, you know, the message. He was very strong and doing and he was very, very, what’s the word I’d say animated. He was just lively. And so he was so great with people, but with the media as well, he was very well versed. And I think that’s where I think with some volunteers, you might have to prep them to work with the media. But he was spot on. And he knew how to tell his story really well, how to share that, and how to talk with the media. So, it made for a great campaign.

Spencer Brooks 08:44

Absolutely. It sounds like you got a combination of the right volunteer with the right story. And then also the right people and infrastructure and systems to amplify that. And I did want to actually talk to you or ask a little bit about the media coverage bit specifically, because I understand that part of the campaign was there’s media coverage that had to be organized as he’s going through these different stops. So, could you tell me a little bit, given your extensive background in that area of how that coverage was organized? And kind of the process you went through? And maybe any tips or takeaways you could share with listeners about that?

Jennifer Weaver 09:26

Yeah, absolutely. So in full transparency, this campaign started on May 20, 2021. I was not hired until June 14 of 2021. So, you’re looking at nearly a month of this campaign that had already rolled out. And the strategy basically from the communication specialist who’d put together, used a third party that was a media monitoring system and distribution system and through that was able to get a press release and send that out, you know, en mass to everyone. But what she did that I thought was really important is that she, every time he hit a particular city, she would look and find out who are the reporters, who are the health reporters, who are the lifestyle reporters. And she reached out to them individually. So, we had a communication specialist. And I even think volunteers can help with this. And we did have volunteers help with this to be to be honest, have those relationships, develop the relationships with the media, in the particular area. So it wasn’t just a one and done, here’s a press release, let’s cross our fingers. Let’s hope that we get media coverage, there was constant follow-up and building a relationship with the reporters. And then when a story was done, there was always a thank you extended a personal, thank you. And we had a whole bunch of T shirts, and we gave T shirts to reporters, we gave, you know, little cards, anything so that we could maintain that relationship for our future campaigns. So, I think that’s what really helped, we had, by the end, when he concluded and he came right back to Utah where he started from, and he’s actually not even from the state of Utah, I think he’s from, oh, no, now I have to remember where he’s from. I think it was like New Jersey. If I’m wrong, Dave Fleischer, I’ll get after me. But that’s okay. So, when everything was said and done, and we actually looked at the analytics, we had over 100 points of media coverage, radio, digital television, which for a nonprofit is is huge. That was a big deal to us. And the ad equivalency was over $160,000. Not anything out of our pocket. But the viewership was 2.2 million. So it was it was really, really one of our wins that I can say, that even shocked me, it even shocked me for a media person that people, you know, in that field, and in that industry, attached to his story and wanted to share it.

Spencer Brooks 12:05

Do you think it was that the story itself that was the compelling piece? Because I’m sure that you know, someone could have a campaign and reach out to reporters, and maybe not get that that same result from it? I mean, I could be wrong. But how much of it do you think was the story piece? And were there any particular things that you that you were doing in terms of communications to highlight that story as you were spreading the word?

Jennifer Weaver 12:36

Yeah, absolutely. I think one thing that is a tip, and a best practice that I would recommend to any nonprofit, is that when you send a press release, send a Dropbox link that includes photos and video, because every medium now is visual. Every print product has an internet website. And so you need to I call it spoon feeding the media, but it really helps them because if they don’t have the resources, and as we know, media has been cutting and cutting their journalists, they’ve been cutting their staff, their resources are really, really thin. And so actually giving them content, not just the written content, but the video and the photos is really important. And I think that’s what really helped. And I’ll give an example of that. One of the new stations at one of the events, said they were coming and we waited, and we waited but Dave had to take off, you know, that he was had to be on a tight schedule and make the 40 day, you know, the deadline. And so, he had to leave, and I stayed after and met with the media. So even though he wasn’t there to tell his story, we had already given them video footage because like I said before, he had been doing videos taking pictures about his journey. But ahead of time, we had pictures of his daughter, we had pictures of his daughter with her children, with him and his wife, so that it gave someone a context of who she really was, even in their family makeup as well. And so providing that to the media was really helpful so that even though he wasn’t there, I was able to give an on camera interview. And then they used all the content that we supplied them to do a news story. So, I think it’s always really important. Not only just to send a press release, make sure you’ve got those creatives, even a graphic, an infographic, anything to help the media to post your content. If they don’t have the resource to actually connect you with a photojournalists or with a reporter, they can still put something online because you’ve given them everything that they need. So, I think that’s really what helped make our campaign really successful, as well as just building that relationship with the reporters and the producers of shows. As always making sure you’re saying thank you, our community, or excuse me, communication specialists was just right on point with that and I think that helped us tremendously.

Spencer Brooks 15:00

That’s fantastic advice, really appreciate that. I know a lot of the listeners as well, that’ll be very helpful for them. I did want to ask Jennifer, just what were some of your like, say the top three or four takeaways that you had from the campaign?

Jennifer Weaver 15:17

Well, I think the first one is definitely developing a plan and a purpose, you got to know your why. And Dave was very strong with his why: I want to bring awareness and raise funds. So once you have that you can kind of build around it, creating a communications plan, creating what you want to communicate as far as a landing page, how you’re going to optimize your social media to support and drive traffic to your landing page. Me. I mean, there’s, there’s free real estate that people don’t realize, and this is another tip that I would give to nonprofits, when you have a campaign, change that cover pic on your profiles on Facebook, on Twitter, on YouTube, just change it during your campaign. That way, it’s just it’s free advertising. It’s an it’s landscape that you can use readily. So you know, you’re not always having to inundate people with an email, they can just go to your social media accounts. And I think, in your press releases, letting people know what those handles are as well, letting the news know, especially if you’re doing a campaign like ours, that was a 40 day long thing. So, they could follow it. They could follow and they could let people know, hey, this is where Dave is today. You know, where’s Dave? We played the Where’s Dave game. So, I think that’s another tip that I would say as well. What was the other part of the question? Sorry, my mind gets so excited. I just go all over.

Spencer Brooks 16:36

It’s okay. Yeah. So, I was asking you about takeaways.

Jennifer Weaver 16:40

Oh yeah.

Spencer Brooks 16:41

And so yeah, your first takeaway was kind of the was the why right. Understanding your why.

Jennifer Weaver 16:45

Ya, definitely know your why.

Spencer Brooks 16:47

Yeah, I was just gonna ask what the what were the other takeaways that you that you had from the campaign?

Jennifer Weaver 16:52

Besides the how and using your social media and designing your, your landing page, whatever your hashtags are. Rally your volunteers. I think that was a big takeaway for us that was, it really helped us be successful. Because the volunteers can spread the word better than anybody, I’ll tell you what, they’ve got great followings. And they have networks with businesses that are local, that can help you get your sponsorships. And also get those businesses involved. The auto dealership, like I’d mentioned, before, that we sent Dave off, all of the employees came out, all of them came out. And I mean, so you have a crowd of 50 just cheering and clapping and supporting him. And so there are opportunities like that, where, you know, even if it’s just letting your volunteers know, here’s a social media post that you can share, you know, not just telling them to do it, but actually giving them the image. And then the suggested captioning is really, really helpful. Because that way, you know, it’s your brand is protected, they’re using branded content. And you’re giving the suggested captioning as well, that gets the message on point, you keep the messaging on point. And the same thing is you can actually create a sample press release. You know, we as nonprofits can’t be everywhere, but our volunteers can really help us. And so sending them a template of this is a press release, you can help us send to your media. Because even though there’s third parties out there that do some media distribution, they don’t capture everyone, particularly the smaller print products, the podcasts, there’s a great plethora of podcasts out there, but people don’t know how to contact them. And so are you know, you’d be surprised volunteers like, Oh, I know somebody who does that. So, you know, giving them even a sample template so that they can share. That way, you’re always protecting your brand as well. And the messaging is always on point. So I would say that was another takeaway. Our volunteers were just phenomenal in helping to make this campaign successful. And our why was so strong in raising funds. You know, Dave said, I just want to raise $45,000. Well, he doubled it. And I can honestly say that that was because of the volunteer efforts. It wasn’t just one foundation lead with our staff trying to support him. We had a whole community supporting him.

Spencer Brooks 19:17

And speaking of fundraising, actually, the question that was on my mind is what sort of strategies and tactics were you using to convert the awareness that this campaign was driving through the media, through all these appearances actually into fundraising dollars? How did you make the connection throughout the campaign to encourage people to give?

Jennifer Weaver 19:39

Right so obviously, we had that availability on the website with a landing page that was specifically for Journey of Hope, but we did text to give so we used a platform where people could text Journey of Hope to 41444 and make a donation right there on their phone, and it gave them a confirmation receipt and thank you. So everywhere he went, he was able to tell people pull out your phones right now, this is a text to give, really super easy. And you’ll help us support the underfunded research so that we can get some first line treatment for Cholangiocarcinoma patients. So that was one way that was really effective for us is using texting. And I mean, we obviously did emails, we built our subscriber list on those who are following Dave. And then we would follow up with emails and give people opportunities to donate that way too. And then social media, always making sure that there’s that mechanism where they can donate. So I would say those alone really helped support his goal. And you know, this campaign sparked other volunteers, getting excited about doing their own fundraisers. And so all of a sudden, we had people doing fundraisers on Facebook, and they’re really successful, you know, and they didn’t have to do a whole lot. But, you know, make a post and allow people to donate there to support Journey of Hope. And so that was another thing that gradually surprised us is that there was contagion. You know, everybody wanted to get on the bandwagon and start doing some fundraising. So I think that’s why he was able to be successful in way surpassed his goal.

Spencer Brooks 21:17

That’s wonderful. I think those are some awesome examples, and really multichannel as well, which I think is awesome. I did I had another question for you, actually. Just about your print and TV background. I know that you that’s really what you came from. And clearly the media was such a big part of the success of this campaign so how can you tell me and listeners how your past experience sort of prepared you for this campaign and the things that you were able to accomplish with it?

Jennifer Weaver 21:53

Yeah, when I came on board, like I said, he’d already been out for a month. And so my first week was just onboarding and learning about people I didn’t even know about the campaign until the following week. And then I said, hey, he’s coming back to Utah. I have a strong connection to media here. Let me do the Welcome Back event. I used to live in the city that he’s in, I can have the mayor come, I can have the cheerleaders come. So his welcome back party is huge. So I use kind of my background that way but my my biggest, I think, contribution when I came on board, and getting some other media coverage, was the analytics part of it. You know, a lot of nonprofits, you know, you don’t know what your return on investment is. It’s really hard to measure that that media. Well, I knew from working with companies that there was a particular platform that was perfect that I could go to. And when I went to I guess I’ll just let I’ll just let everybody know, it’s TVEyes, TVEyes is a media monitoring service that’s specifically for broadcast and radio. So, it doesn’t do the digital and print aspect of monitoring. But it will do the ad equivalency and tell you what the viewership is, which is really important as particularly if when you have sponsors, and sponsors want to know, you know, well, how did my sponsorship do when you were on television the other day, you know, and so TVEyes was wonderful. And so I was able to reach out to them and say, Hey, we need to know some metrics. So, we, you know, so we can report back to all of those who really participated. And they gave me a free trial. And through that free trial is how I was able to get a whole lot of the ad equivalency and viewership numbers, as well as download clips. TVEyes will get that segment, or episode, excuse me that episode, and they have it for 30 days. So, we were able to download a series of some of the video clips and create a sizzle reel. So that was another, we’re still working on the sizzle reel. But that was something that I think I brought that the foundation wasn’t aware of is that I there’s actually some software or company out there that will do this for you. They also obviously, it was just a one-week free trial. That was what I needed. But when I needed more information, they extended it for me. But then they told me what their rates were. And they were willing to do something per project. You wouldn’t have to subscribe for a full year or two years. But those were options. But it was really wonderful to connect to another, you know, platform that would be willing to work with a nonprofit, that was wonderful to experience. And so I think I brought that so that we can measure some of the media coverage and figure out how much we actually really had, the foundation had no idea that that’s how much we had actually had. So there’s that and then also I think I just brought to the table, what as a media person would grab my attention to want to do a story. And there’s four things. There’s four things and every press release should have these four things in every single press release. First one, you’ve got to know what your news value is. One of the things with the Cholangiocarcinoma foundation is the disease itself is just rare, but it’s really, really lethal. The other thing about it is that it’s increasing, the diagnosis is increasing. So that that’s a lot of impact. So knowing what is news worthy is a big one, and then the impact, how does this impact this particular population, it impacts people because there’s no symptoms, the symptoms really go unrecognized, until it gets serious, you’re at stage four, that’s when the unfortunately we’re, we’re out with this disease as it gets diagnosed so late, then it’s you know, we’re just trying to sustain life for as long as we can, which is really, really sad. So, when you when you have the news value, you have the impact. And then you provide a solid context, give context and background, about what your nonprofit is, and why this is so important that you’re doing it, whether that be with some data or statistics is really important, with the impact, supporting the context. And then the fourth that is the key is the human dimension. human dimension is huge. And what I mean by that is typically in press releases, generally, and I hated it, when I would get these press releases, they always quote, the founder, they always quote the CEO, they always quote, the talking, I call the talking heads, because they’re the people who run the nonprofit, but you know, what appeals to reporter and actually, what appeals to readers or viewers, is that person next door, they want to hear from somebody that reflects back to them who they are. So, it’s really important, for example, you know, Dave Fleischer, it wasn’t about him in the foundation, it was about his daughter, it was that impact. And so I think remembering in your human dimension, not to always quote your CEO, and your founder and your director. But to get into the population you’re serving, get their testimonials, get their quotes, get their photos, is really, really important. So, I brought that with me that I knew media is going to hook on to this story, because it has a really strong why, it has an impact because the sadly, this disease is spreading like crazy, and being diagnosed more in the United States, but people are dying, we’re not saving them. We need to save them, we need to find a cure. And so, I would say that that would be I guess my other best practice in this podcast to share with everyone.

Spencer Brooks 27:40

That’s a great best practice and, and for those listening as well make sure to find a link to TVEyes as well and include a link to that in the show notes in case you want to check that out. I do have a couple more quick questions for you here, Jennifer. Ones that I like to ask every guest, as I’m sure any listener by now, as probably knows. So, what’s one thing you’re working on right now that’s consuming a lot of your brain space? And what takeaways can you share with listeners who might encounter that same challenge?

Jennifer Weaver 28:15

Well, honestly, right now we’re working on our next big campaign, which is a virtual auction. We’ve never done it before. And again, it’s volunteer led, volunteers came up with the idea and we’re supporting it as best we can. They’re putting together gift baskets that are representative from the state that they’re in. And that’s going to be happening September 24, through October 2. So that is a big campaign, we’re still celebrating our 15th anniversary. So, we’re gearing up for our light it green campaign. Green is, it’s like kelly green. So, it’s kind of lime greenish, but that’s the official color of Cholangiocarcinoma. And so, in December, we have people light things green, but February, every February is Cholangiocarcinoma Awareness Month. And we want to go big. So, we’re planning on, you know, doing a big, light it green campaign so that every state has potentially a governor’s mansion, or a municipal city and county building or something of that nature that we can get them to light up green, particularly on February 12, which is World Cholangiocarcinoma day. So, we’re also drafting proclamations, I have a draft, we’re going to find our state leaders in every single state and say, hey, get your governor to sign this, you know, and so that we can just bring awareness to it. So that’s kind of what we’re dealing with now. And focusing our attention on Giving Tuesday, something every single nonprofit is probably planning for now, even though it’s not till November. You got to plan now you got to figure out what your strategy is. And I know it’s a virtual campaign and it did so well last year, because of COVID 19 and the pandemic. If I remember the last count In 2020 for Giving Tuesday nationwide was over $2 billion. So, I think that leveraging that into 2021 is what everybody is focusing on now. So those are some of the hurdles that I don’t know if they’re hurdles, I kind of find it exciting, you know, because every time you get to do a campaign, you get to share whatever it is about your cause. And that always makes you feel like you’re doing something good, and you’re contributing to something that’s bigger than yourself.

Spencer Brooks 30:31

Those are very exciting things. And sounds like fun, fun projects, too. I know sometimes, like challenges can be fun, right, so that’s, that’s really awesome. And I did my last question for you, Jennifer actually was, it’s related to resources. In fact, you’ve already shared a ton of resources. So I’ll give you an option or a chance here. Are there any other resources that you would like to share with listeners around, it could be nonprofit marketing, it could be media resources, or other useful things, where they, they might be able to learn more, do better work?

Jennifer Weaver 31:08

Yeah, I love Canva, I gotta tell you, Canva is free. And it is wonderful to make social media posts, it’s just wonderful. Because of the offerings it has with imagery, you can make animated GIFs on that really, really, really easy. And that that is a wonderful tool. I think, you know, other nonprofits just, I think this is one of those areas where this podcast where we can share resources, with one another, people can reach out to me and say, hey, you know, what, what can you advise, and how can this work, but, you know, we use Constant Contact for our email, and Constant Contact is integrated with Donor Perfect, they, they’re seamless with each other. And so, you know, finding those that work together hand in hand, is really helpful. And then just reaching out to, you know, sister causes that are very similar. I think sometimes, and I hope that this isn’t the case, because I’ve only been, you know, in this industry for two months, but it can be kind of competitive, because we’re all kind of going after the same dollars. But I think that we actually do better when we collaborate. So not being afraid of those collaborations, if you have a campaign that can piggyback on someone else, you know, there’s strength in  numbers, there’s strength in that unity. And so I would say don’t, don’t be afraid and think that you’re going to dilute it, let’s just, you know, come together on particular things. And so that’s what I would recommend is don’t be afraid to reach out to somebody and send them an email or pick up the phone, I actually called people. I’m old school. I’m from the 80s. So, I’m like calling people. And you know, but you know, there are platforms out there, Air Table is one out there. That’s great for project management. Asana is something that we use for project management. There’s a whole lot of things out there. So, I would recommend, you know, experimenting with them, so many out there have free trials, like if you’re not familiar with editing, try iMovie. Try clip champ, clip Champ is free. And check it out and see if those are something that you can use for your video editing. But you know, there’s a lot of free trials, and I would say just try different ones and find what’s a fit for your particular charity.

Spencer Brooks 33:22

Yeah, those are fantastic resources that I will include as well in the show notes. I’ll definitely I usually go back and listen to these anyway, kind of tried to transcribe and pull out all the different links and pieces. So, if I, you know, if you’re listening, and I haven’t done this on a past episode, I apologize if I haven’t caught something. That’s wonderful. Well, Jennifer, it’s been a great, great interview. Unfortunately, we’re running short on time. But I wanted to give you a chance to share how listeners can get in touch with you if they’d like to learn more about you and the work of the Foundation.

Jennifer Weaver 34:03

Sure. Our website is Cholangiocarcinoma.org. I know it’s a mouthful. Start out in your Google searches CHOL and then hopefully it’ll pop up from there. But if you may be able to find it also with bile duct cancer in searching. My email address is jennifer.weaver@Cholangiocarcinoma.org. One thing that I would like to end on is that these type of campaigns that are kind of big, you know, like Dave Fleischer going across the country. I would say when you’re doing your planning, also plan for your communications if something were to go wrong, nobody likes to think of crisis communications. Fortunately, the only thing we had to deal with was running out of gas situation. But you know, if something comes up, making sure you’re positioning everything as positively as possible, if the unknown happens is really important to put in your communication plan. So, I would want I just want to end on that note, even though it might be down on the down note, but I think it’s better due to be prepared than to scramble and to be reactive in case something bad happens. I think planning ahead for that is really important, really looking at the campaign and saying, hey, is there a liability issue? Do we need carry insurance? Do we need liability release forms? That kind of thing is really important too. And I didn’t mention that earlier in our conversation, but I think it’s a good one to kind of end on, but also to say, just don’t hesitate to experiment, experiment, have fun, involve your volunteers. There’s just a wealth of skills and knowledge. And with that, I just say thank you, Spencer.

Spencer Brooks 35:39

Yeah. Well, you’re very welcome, Jennifer. And thank you as well for including all of those tips, they’ve been wonderful. You’ve been a wealth of knowledge. So yeah, for listeners that that does wrap up our show today. We are a new podcast. So please consider rating us and reviewing us on Apple podcasts or wherever else you happen to listen, it really helps others find the show, find great interviews and people just like Jennifer. As well, this show is part of the thought education of Brooks digital. Again, we are a digital agency for health nonprofits. We specialize in web strategy, design and development. So if you liked this podcast and these resources, feel free to go to our website at Brooks.digital, you can find more insights, learn more about our work. But with all that said, Jennifer, thanks again for the awesome interview and for coming on the show today.

Jennifer Weaver 36:31

Oh, you’re welcome. I hope I can appear again.

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