Next In Nonprofits: Free Resources From Steve & Spencer’s Interview

If you’re here for the resources Steve and Spencer mentioned in Next in Nonprofits, you’re in the right place!
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In the interview, Steve and Spencer covered:
- The challenges HIPAA regulations present to nonprofit providers
- How mapping the patient journey helps personalize your communications
- The 3 levels of the HIPAA-compliant email marketing ladder
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Resources from the interview
Articles mentioned:
- The “why” and “how” behind patient journey mapping: The Secret of Highly Effective Health Nonprofit Websites
- 3 Levels of HIPAA-Compliant Email Marketing For Nonprofit Providers
- Paubox’s breakdown of email marketing vendors
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About Spencer and the Brooks Digital Team
Brooks Digital is an expert digital firm that empowers health nonprofits to build engaging digital platforms that improve the lives of patients.
We help organizations who work in:
- Diseases and disorders
- Addiction and mental health
- Clinics
- Hospice care
- Medical associations
- Research
- …and other health-focused charities.
We’re the only firm who specializes in user experience, content strategy, design, development, and email marketing for health-focused nonprofits.
If you’d like to learn more, please check out what we do as well as our past work. And if you’d like to explore working together, please get in touch and we’ll set up a time to chat.